Guide for Authors

  1. The researcher must have a Ph.D. or equivalent.

  2. The research should not be part of a master’s or doctoral thesis submitted by the researcher, or part of a previously published book, and the researcher pledges that the research or study has not been previously published.

  3. It is not permissible to publish the research in another scientific journal after approving its publication in the Contemporary Egypt Journal, except after obtaining written permission to do so from the journal committee.

  4. Presenting the research and others to the journal’s board of directors to decide the extent of its feasibility and its compatibility with the goals and directions that the journal aims to achieve in each issue of its preparation.

  5. The number of research pages shall not be less than (35) and not more than (50) pages.

  6. All papers submitted to the journal are subject to scientific evaluation by arbitrators from the journal’s jury in accordance with the rules in force in this regard.

  7. Commitment to the principles of scientific research and the rules of the general public, and taking into account accurate scientific documentation of research materials.

  8. Attached with summary research in Arabic and English and keywords on one page for each summary.

  9. The submitted research includes the researcher's complete data, the researcher's address, phone number, and e-mail.

  10. Copies of research that reach the journal are not returned, whether published or not.

  11. The researcher is obligated to pay the prescribed fees for publication in accordance with the journal regulations.

  12. The opinions presented in the magazine express the viewpoint of its writer and do not express the opinion of the magazine. The submitted works should take into account security and political considerations given the nature of the magazine.

  13. Each researcher is given a copy of the number of the magazine in which his research is published for free + 15 copies of the research extract.

  14. Submit search by email ( ) Three hard copies are also submitted to the magazine's headquarters, 16 Ramses Street - Cairo, and are as follows:

  15. The space between the lines is 18 cm, the space between paragraphs is 0.1 cm, and the beginning of the paragraph is 0.5 cm.

  16. The font size is 12 (Ahab Subhead), the main heading is 23, the side heading is 14, and the margins are written in 8 fonts.

  17. Page size 17.5 * 25 cm, page margin 2.5 cm, header 2.5 cm, tail 2.5 cm.

  18. The font used in the English summary ( Helvetica Regular ) is 12 cm in size.