The Policies That Enhance the Decoupling of Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Economics department, higher institute of public administration and foreign trade

2 Economics department, higher institutes of public administration and foreign trade


The concept of decoupling has emerged as a critical pathway towards sustainable development. Decoupling refers to the separation of economic growth and development from resource consumption and environmental degradation.
The belief that there is a direct relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution remained constant and move in the same direction. Therefore, in order to reduce pollution and emissions, it is necessary to reduce the pace of economic growth. However, the presence of new evidence supporting the possibility of separating them has garnered global attention. This has led to increased international and local efforts in formulating policies and initiatives that promote the pursuit of decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and accelerating the process of sustainable development.
This study aims to explain the policies that enhance the decoupling by China, Egypt, and European Union (EU) countries to address environmental challenges. The findings highlight the measures undertaken by these countries and regions to mitigate pollution and promote sustainable development. China has made significant progress in reducing air pollution and transitioning to renewable energy sources. Egypt has also implemented various initiatives, particularly in renewable energy and waste management. EU countries, as a group, have adopted ambitious policies and achieved notable decoupling from carbon-intensive practices. However, challenges remain in meeting international climate targets. The study concludes that while progress has been made, further efforts are needed worldwide to accelerate decoupling and achieve sustainable development goals.


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